
Welcome to Jack's Painting!

Specializing Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, and Historics.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

15mm ACW- Batch Painting Faces

Today I was working on painting some 15mm ACW units and was a bit frustrated with the lack of progress that I was making.  In order to speed things up I attempted an Ink and Blot method.

I really liked the results and I was able to progress at a quick pace. This would be ideal if you had 2-3 people all working together.

Below is a shot of the batch I was working on.  It is around 108 figures. The goal is to get these to a very nice gaming standard.

*Note* All of their uniforms have been completed at this point.

At this point the face has been painted with one layer of GW Dwarf Flesh and one quick Highlight of Elf Flesh. Now we begin the process of inking and blotting.  

The first thing you will need is some ink and cup in which to thin it.  I chose Vallejo Game Color- Brown ink.

The next step is to mix your ink with some water in about a 2:3 ratio of ink:water.  If you have no way to count out drops go for a watery consistency. 

Once you have the consistency right you want to take an older medium sized brush and load up on ink.

In this example I am using an older Citadel Standard Brush

 Then liberally drench any flesh portion of the model that you want shaded. 

Blot with a cotton swab to remove excess ink. The harder you press the less shading you will get. The lighter you dab, the more shading.  By varying how much ink you remove, you should be able to create some flesh tone variation.

Your swab should have quite a few little dots of ink on it. Replace it when it is no longer effective .

I have included some before and after shots for your viewing pleasure. This technique is very fast and in my opinion effective. 

Below are some close ups.

Thanks for dropping by,
