
Welcome to Jack's Painting!

Specializing Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, and Historics.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tzeentch Sorcerer

Here is a fellow I was playing around with.

The blues are airbrushed.

The golds are Vallejo Liquid Gold "Old Gold"  This is an oil based metallic and in my opinion, is brilliant.

All of the shading on the model was done either with the airbrush, or with a black oil wash.

So drop me a line and tell me what you think. Are we living in a new age of miniature painting?  What are your experiences with new techniques?

Thanks for dropping by,


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winter Painting Challenge

I have asked to take part in Curt's 3rd annual painting challenge.  Found here:

As of right now I have far to many 15 mm models to complete. I will spend the next few days prepping some minis and working on finishing up a commission.

On the list to prep.

Several hundred ACW Union and Rebs 15mm
A small number of Hundred Years War English I believe that it is 6 archers, 6 men at arms, and 3 Cav 25mm
Around 50 or so Victrix 25 mm naps. I believe they are British Flank Company from Waterloo.

This is all I have, I think.  I suppose some will come out of the woodwork.

To all participating:  Best of luck!

Dave R