
Welcome to Jack's Painting!

Specializing Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, and Historics.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yes Ladies and Gents, I am not quite dead yet.  I have however been painting like a fiend this week, and most of last week.  Come to think of it, I have been painting..... as the title indicates..... like a fiend.

Now, in describing this fiendishness lets take a quick recap of what has been painted the past two weeks and what will be competed by this weekend. 

Space Marines
38 Tactical Marines
Devastator Squad
10 Terminators
2 Rhinos
1 Razorback
2 Vindicators
2 Landspeeders
1 Land Raider
1 Dreadnought
1 Drop Pod
1 Predator

This is what is on the table for this week and will be finished in time for Saturday's 2500 pt. tournament 

15 Scouts + Tellion
3 Scout Bikes
10 Assault marines + Chaplain
Chaplain Cassius
3 Scout Bikes
5 Sternguard
Captain Sicarius 

My to do list consists of

8 Chaos Terminators
8 Bikes
8 Bloodletters
1 Bloodthirster
1 Daemon Prince
4 Rhinos
1 Landraider
2 Dreadnoughts 

And then various other bits and bobs

On to the pictures!!!!
The Work In Progress Ultramarines

Chaos in various stages

A Bit of Freehand I tried

More Freehand

Chaos Star on a Landraider
For this chaos star I used Dave Taylor's tutorial.

Work in Progress Bloodthirster

Test Bloodletter

Daemon Prince of Khorne

Two Dreadnoughts
Dreadnought Number 1

And number 2

Ad Hoc Multimelta
Well there you have it, my weeks work.  I hope that in the future I will have time to slow down and work on a few different projects with less volume and more time.

Until next time,


Friday, June 10, 2011

Space Marines: Ultramarine Elites

For all of you regular readers out there I suppose you are about ready for some hobby related content.  I have been super busy the past two weeks, painting like a fiend.  I have progressed quite a bit on the Ultramarines Project and will have it complete by tonight. In an attempt to do one of those neat National Geographic photo stories, I present

My Week In Pictures

Monday and Tuesday were spent painting up some terminators.  While the original project called for 5 I found some spare bodies lying around and the owner gave me some lightning claws.

What's better than an Assault Terminator?

10 Assault Terminators!

Assault Terminator x 10
Here are some individual shots.
Lightning Claw Sergeant 

Side Shot
Several assorted shots.

Thunderhammer Sergeant

*Note* I was able to get ahold of some shoulder pads from The War Store. I have to give those guys 5 stars.  I ordered the pads on Monday and I had them on Wednesday evening.  They made this process possible.

Late Tuesday I was able to tackle the Dreadnought and the Landspeeder

For those of you who like group shots.

For the last three days I have been working on The Blue Tide: Parking Lot Edition

These will be finished by this evening.

Stay Tuned,


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A few thoughts on Charity

I will have to start off by saying that anyone who is anyone has heard of last years Storm Warden Project or this years Heros of Armageddon.  Both of these projects are progressing towards the end of raising money for Doctors Without Borders, a not for profit organization that administers aid where it is needed most.

As a general rule, people have things that they are passionate about. I, like many others out there, love to paint miniatures, figures, minis, little men, figs, models, and all other things smaller than life.  Lately, I have been very fortunate in that I have had the opportunity to make a little money doing what I love to do.

I am in a position to enjoy my hobby and provide some income by utilizing what could be called a natural affinity or gift.  I did not choose to be good at, or enjoy painting.  This is not mine, the income I receive is not mine.  So I have decided that from here on out, I will give 10% of everything I make doing my hobby to charity.

So, I challenge everyone who reads this to go out and make a difference.  How you choose to make your difference is completely up to you, but keep in mind that anything is better than nothing.  Why not get rid of that pesky change in the the change bank?  Dollar bills will not keep you warm at night, nor can you eat them.   While Benjamin Franklin was no doubt a brilliant inventor, I doubt that $100.00 bill will have much to say.

If you have never given to a charity or a local organization, I suggest you try it.  You might be surprised by how you feel afterwards.

By giving to charity, you may not have a million bucks, but you will sure feel like it.

As Andrew Carnegie once said, "A man who dies rich dies poor in spirit."

Thanks for reading,


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Space Marines: The Blue Tide

This week I have been immersed under a blue tide.

Not quite, but you get the picture.  This week I had the bright idea to attempt to paint around 38 Ultramarines. Taking the approach that while one is good, two better, I scaled it up to far to many and attempted to batch paint them.

The Blue Tide
At this stage, all of the labor intensive work is done.  They were sprayed with Army Painter Royal Blue spray and then washed with Asurman Blue, followed by a highlight of Enchanted Blue.

Two paints I have become well aquatinted with
Working with a pre-primed or sprayed force was a new experience for me.  The color is brilliant, and is incredibly smooth.  However I was slightly put off to find that I could not get the same color in liquid form.  I tend to wash models and then bring them back up to the original color. This aside, Enchanted Blue was able to pull through and save the day.

When batch painting, I have found it nice to take a break between every step or two steps, depending on the number of models painted, and work on something completely different. 

In this instance I chose to work on Chaplain Cassius .  This is a very work in progress picture, only the flesh is done, and I will probably repaint it.  I feel that it lacks contrast.

The Chaplain, who before I got ahold of him, was feeling rather blue. A few moments with a brush and he was in a black mood. 

Color puns aside, I expect to have these 38 guys done, along with their transports, by this weekend.  

Stay tuned and thanks for dropping by,
