I have a confession. I am addicted to GW's plastic crack. I was cleaning out the hobby room and stumbled upon a realization.
My name is Dave, and I am a Hoarder.
I have tons of cool and great ideas, according to me, but I feel that I have come to a point where my eyes are bigger than my ability to finish projects. Now don't get me wrong, I have several fully painted armies, but I am always looking for the next project. Here was a quick rundown from today.
2000 pts of fully painted Grey Knights
Over 2000 Pts of painted Khorne
Around 3000 Pts of Painted Guard
2000 pts of painted Ultramarines
1000 pts of Tau in progress
1500 Chaos Daemons in the works
1500 of Blood Angels in the works
2-3 full boxes of bits
I am literally suffocating under all of these models. As someone who would like to, at some point, become what could be considered "good" at this game, I realize that I need to seriously focus on playing one army. After all, Michael Phelps does not do the Triathlon does he?
This leads me to the conclusion that something has to go.
I think the best thing will be to focus on no more than 3 armies. So, with that in mind, I think that the Grey Knights and the Chaos will be the first to go. The Tau will shortly follow suit.
How do you guys deal with Hobby Overload? Any Advice? Feel free to drop any and all ideas in the comment box.
Thanks for dropping by, will return to hobby content shortly,