
Welcome to Jack's Painting!

Specializing Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, and Historics.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dark Eldar Commission: Venom Challange

Every once in a while we get the opportuity to work on something top secret... something that is eyes only... something that is pre-order.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen this the one and only Dark Eldar Venom, on sprue, and at my work bench.

Dark Eldar Venom- click for larger image

 I figured I would celebrate the occasion with a bit of a challenge.

The Chalange: Assemble and paint 1 Dark Eldar Venom in 24 hours.

I started off by assembling the vehicle.  Thankfully, things went off without a hitch. I was not so lucky with priming.  I would have to give a word of advice to all other hobbyists out there; Make sure your humidity is LOW.  I had typically waited for a less humid day to prime, but as this was a challenge, why not challenge everything? 

Owen was nice enough to help me strip and re- prime the crew. 

I then preceded to pull the "all nighter."  As a veteran of the procrastination school of thought I have spent an excessive number nights staying up to get my schoolwork done. Take it from someone who has been there, don't pull all nighters.  It will wreck your body and will test the limits of patience of those around you, in this case, Owen.

While the methods are not so great, the results speak for themselves. 

I painted from around 9 pm to 4 am to get the hull (and a few other things) done. I suppose I am now a member of the not so exclusive all-knight organization.

Regrettably I have no further pictures as I was a bit caught up with the challenge.  However, I will be adding some finished pictures Wednesday.

Stay tuned and thanks for looking!!


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